Welcome To Rajaruthnam , Reddy , Govender & Shaik
Digestive System Patient Illustrator
Courtesy Of Eli Lilly (SA) (PTY) LTD
We are a specialist partner practice of four surgeons , servicing St. Augustine
Hospital , Life Entabeni Hospital , Life Garden Chatsmed Hospital & Joint Medical
Holdings Group incorporating Isipingo , Greyville , Durdoc & Ascot Park Hospitals.
The spectrum of surgery encompasses general surgery with special emphasis on
The spectrum of surgery encompasses general surgery with special emphasis on
on laparoscopic plus minimally invasive surgery for :
- Gastrointestinal Pathology
- Bariatic Surgery
- Symphathecthomy: for palmar , planter and axillary hyperidrosis including rib surgery
- Peripheral vascular surgery including open and endovascular procedures
- Varicose veins surgery
- Thoracic outlet syndrome